Movie prequels – making a mess
Can anyone tell me why movie prequels can’t seem to keep to the “time line” established in the originals ?
I just saw the Trailer for Prometheus , the new Ridley Scott movie , and Lo and behold , in a story held many years before Ripley went on the Nostromo , the Technology presented makes Star Trek Tech look out of date by 200 years .
How is it possible that they have holograms , touch screens , engines that look like Iron Man repulse thrusters , while the Sulaco , that was build and used nearly 80 years after that didn’t have any of those ?
I know the CGI and FX has improved in leaps and bounds in the last 20 years , but even with the suspension of disbelieve that you take in to a movie theatre , I still find it unacceptable that they can not keep the established look and feel .
This has plagued many prequels either TV or Movie: The Crap new Star wars, Enterprise TV show, Terminator Salvation , and worse offender of them ALL , The Highlander!!
There are many more but I can’t remember all of them of the top of my head.