Never Mind the F6
I was so upset today that I took a look at the “Devil’s Catalouge” or in it’s real name the Calumet Photography Catalouge, where I saw this: the new Nikon Df and I am In love.
I mean, Just look at it, It looks like a Proper camera, but it is a Full frame DSLR on par with the D4 and it works with all the Nikon lenses, old and new, I mean what more can you ask for ??
Now all I need is to wait 5-6 years so the price will come down to “affordable” and I know what I am asking for my “mid-life Crisis” – still it will be cheaper then the cars ( DB6 or Carver One ) I want , and unlike Crais, I will not need to “ditch the firm, head off to Maui, shack up with the supermodel ..” so what could go wrong ?